13 videos found
Does Your Wife Feel Loved?
Being a husband is a wonderful and serious calling. All men should endeavor to be the best they can be. Here are 4 tips for husands.
Advice for Husband
Here are three tips.
Bless your Family series| Part 2 | Bless your Husband
God has given each of us a role in building up our families. The job isn't difficult. It simply requires intentional effort.
Bless your Family series| Part One | Bless your Wife
God has given each of us a role in building up our families. The job isn't difficult. It simply requires intentional effort.
Lie-Based Thinking
The problem isn't that others push your buttons, the problem is that you have buttons to push. Watch to find out more. This is a follow-up teaching for the video, One Of The Greatest Enemies Within Marriage
One of the Greatest Enemies within Marriage
One of the Greatest Enemies within Marriage: One of the biggest issues in our marriage is the baggage we carry into it. Lie-based thinking is a curse that most people unknowingly carry with them throughout their lives. The good news is that Jesus can heal and that we don't have to be unaware of the enemy's tactics. For an in-depth video on lie-based thinking, watch our video called Lie-Based Thinking