45 videos found
Thank You, Biological Mom
I was born in 1979, when abortion was legal, and my biological mother chose to give me life. Thank you, Biological Mom!
2 misconceptions about abortion
Genesis and I bring you 2 misconceptions of abortion. We are pleading with the hearts of people who think this is ok or vote for politicians who think this ok, to come before the Lord and ask Him for clarity.
3 quick tips to being a family of prayer
If we want our children to be people of prayer we must set the example by making prayer a normal, daily, and enjoyable part of our lives.
The Blessings of Special Needs Children
If you have a child that has special needs, you need to know that God gave you that child and that God is good. His ways aren't easy, but they are always best. ALL children are blessings from God.
Keeping Your Child's Heart
Who blesses your children the most? Their friends? Teachers? Hollywood? Whoever blesses your child the most will have their heart.
Planned Parenthood Strikes Back
Planned Parenthood Strikes Back: Not being remorseful, doesn't mean it's right.
The Dangers of Adolescence
The Dangers of Adolescence: The time has come for God's people to reject the self-destructive philosophy of adolescence and rightly expect our children to quickly grow into mature and virtous men and women of God.
Teaching your Children how to Handle Money God's Way (with guest Nick Breach)
Tuesday's radio show has been prerecorded and recorded via zoom. Knowing how to manage and think about money is a big deal. It can give freedom and it can quickly take it away. Come listen to our special guest, Nick Breach, as he gives practical life-changing advise. You can find out more about Nick and his minsitry at www.compass1.org
Grandparents: Part 1 | Your role with grandkids
Grandparents have an amazing opportunity to bless and build up the next generation. Unfortunately today many grandparents don't see how important they are.
Grandparents: Part 2 | Respecting Your Children
Grandparents have the amazing responsibility to pass on their parenting wisdom to their children, at yet to do so in a respectful and timeful way. The wiser they are with the words, the more their wisdom will be sought after.
Large Family Logistics: Cleaning House
We get questions all the time on how we are able to function with all our kids. I (Amy) am not a naturally organized person and have to work very hard at being even a bit organized and on top of it. I want to instill in my kids how to manage a home so it doesn't overrun them when they leave home. Here is our "Clean Areas". We do this twice a day to keep somewhat organized and before guests come over to keep the house clean. Hope it may help others who are not naturally organized. (from 2018)
Large Family Logistics: Juggling chores and school work
How do the kids juggle their house work and school work? Here is a quick video how we do it. (from 2018)
5 Worst Parenting Styles | Manipulating Parent
You are always teaching your chid something. What are you teaching them by being manipulative?
5 Worst Parenting Styles | Threatening Parent
You are teaching your child all the time. What does the threatening parent teach their child?
5 Worst Parenting Styles | The Exploding Parent
This parents fails to realize that by their actions the child misunderstands how proper authority should work.
The 5 Worst Parenting Styles | Silent Parent
The Silent Parent: You are always teaching your chid something. What are you teaching them by being silent?
The 5 Worst Parenting Styles | Nagging Parent
Here is another short video of the nagging parent. Nagging parents fail to teach their children that delayed obedience is disobedience.
Family Matters
God gives us the best formula for growing our children into disciples.
Bless your Family series| Part 4 | Bless your Parents
God has given each of us a role in building up our families. The job isn't difficult. It simply requires intentional effort
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